From 2021-2022, Tania Lombrozo and Neil Van Leeuwen hosted the Nature of Belief Seminar Series, funded by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation. Below you will find information about past sessions, including a link to recordings for most speakers.
Friday, Oct. 29: Gale Sinatra, “Science Denial: The Role of Emotions, Motivations, and Epistemic Beliefs” (11am-12pm EDT)
Friday, Dec. 10: Matt Graham, “The Nature of Partisan Belief Differences” (11am-12pm EST)
Friday, Dec. 17: Jan De Houwer, “Implicit Beliefs: A Functional-Cognitive Perspective” (11am-12pm EST)
Friday, Feb. 4: Giuliana Mazzoni, “Not Believing Personal Memories: When Memory and Belief Compete, Which One Wins?” (9am-10am EST)
Friday, Feb. 25: Linda Skitka, “The Social and Political Implications of Morally Convicted Beliefs” (9am-10am EST)
Friday, Mar. 11: Chaz Firestone, “(Ir)rational Perceptual Beliefs” (9am-10am EST)
This talk is no longer available on YouTube.
Friday, Apr. 8: Elizabeth Marsh, “Updating Beliefs” (9am-10am EDT)
This talk will not be uploaded to YouTube.
Friday, Apr. 22: Louis Sass, “Double Bookkeeping: On the Nature of (Some) Delusional Beliefs” (9am-10am EDT)
Friday, Jul. 29: Hugo Mercier, "Mistaken beliefs, gullibility, and atrocities” (11am-12pm EDT)