@article{175536, author = {June Gruber and Jane Mendle and Kristen A. Lindquist and Toni Schmader and Lee Anna Clark and Eliza Bliss-Moreau and Modupe Akinola and Lauren Atlas and Deanna M. Barch and Lisa Feldman Barrett and Jessica L. Borelli and Tiffany N. Brannon and Silvia A. Bunge and Belinda Campos and Jessica Cantlon and Rona Carter and Adrienne R. Carter-Sowell and Serena Chen and Michelle G. Craske and Amy J. C. Cuddy and Alia Crum and Lila Davachi and Angela L. Duckworth and Sunny J. Dutra and Naomi I. Eisenberger and Melissa Ferguson and Brett Q. Ford and Barbara L. Fredrickson and Sherryl H. Goodman and Alison Gopnik and Valerie Purdie Greenaway and Kate L. Harkness and Mikki Hebl and Wendy Heller and Jill Hooley and Lily Jampol and Sheri L. Johnson and Jutta Joormann and Katherine D. Kinzler and Hedy Kober and Ann M. Kring and Elizabeth Levy Paluck and Tania Lombrozo and Stella F. Lourenco and Kateri McRae and Joan K. Monin and Judith T. Moskowitz and Misaki N. Natsuaki and Gabriele Oettingen and Jennifer H. Pfeifer and Nicole Prause and Darby Saxbe and Pamela K. Smith and Barbara A. Spellman and Virginia Sturm and Bethany A. Teachman and Renee J. Thompson and Lauren M. Weinstock and Lisa A. Williams}, title = {The Future of Women in Psychological Science}, abstract = {

There has been extensive discussion about gender gaps in representation and career advancement in the sciences. However, psychological science itself has yet to be the focus of discussion or systematic review, despite our field{\textquoteright}s investment in questions of equity, status, well-being, gender bias, and gender disparities. In the present article, we consider 10 topics relevant for women{\textquoteright}s career advancement in psychological science. We focus on issues that have been the subject of empirical study, discuss relevant evidence within and outside of psychological science, and draw on established psychological theory and social-science research to begin to chart a path forward. We hope that better understanding of these issues within the field will shed light on areas of existing gender gaps in the discipline and areas where positive change has happened, and spark conversation within our field about how to create lasting change to mitigate remaining gender differences in psychological science.

}, year = {2021}, journal = {Perspectives on Psychological Science}, volume = {16}, pages = {483-516}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1745691620952789}, language = {eng}, }